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The Pre-Engagement Punchlist

Do you want to have a doubt free wedding day? Gary Thomas & Dr. Steve Wilke kick-off their Sacred Search video series to share about why through issues needs to happen WAY before your wedding day.

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Big Numbers-An Even Bigger God!

My husband and I recently watched a documentary on the Hubble Space Telescope. Even though we’d seen this presentation before, the majesty of what we beheld kept us totally captivated. And as the narrator detailed the numbers that kept growing increasingly immense, the expanse of the heavens clearly pointed to a pretty amazing Creator. You […]

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God-Inspired “To Do’s”

Thanks to the latest in Apple technology, life has gotten a little simpler. I used to carry around a bulky planner filled with my calendar and a lengthy “to-do” list, yet all that has become virtually obsolete with the iPhone apps available at my fingertips. In fact, just the other day I simply hit a […]

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Will You Accept My Idiosyncrasies?

During the month of February, you simply can’t miss the message of love. Valentine’s Day paraphernalia has popped up from department store windows to drugstore displays. Television commercials have morphed from jolly holiday commercials to jewelry advertisements. When the world starts talking about love, believers’ thoughts often shift toward a favorite passage tucked away in […]

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Couch Church

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that […]

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