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Surviving Life’s Storms

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up.
Isaiah 43:2 (NLT)

Like me, you’ve probably experienced plenty of storms. Those from our physical world are often short-lived, but even then sometimes scary. For instance, Steve and I took a trip to Alaska several years ago. We were excited to see this state for the first time, and since we’d traveled on cruise ships before, we were fairly confident we knew what to expect if the predicted fair weather turned foul.

We were wrong.

While we’d been through a few crazy experiences sailing in the Mediterranean, this particular Northern Pacific storm topped them all. It seemed to come from nowhere, and the unsavory squall soon sent our ship on a rollercoaster ride of immense proportions. At one point, the sounds of the waves hitting the hull were enough to set everyone’s nerves on edge, including seasoned sailors trying to keep passengers calm.

Thankfully, that storm—like so many other natural tempests—eventually subsided. And as the seas quieted, all of us on board returned to a state of vacation bliss, barely remembering the hours of turmoil we’d just endured.

Unfortunately, spiritual storms are seldom like this. While they may appear just as suddenly, they tend to stick around awhile—and there’s rarely a ray of sunshine that suggests an end to present perils. To make matters worse, spiritual sufferings often seem to take much longer to recover from than those that “Mother Nature” sends our way.

Whether you’re a seasoned follower of Jesus or a new believer, you can probably relate to the reality of such turbulent times. Indeed, the Scripture above expresses an unwelcome fact about these stormy seasons: it’s not an if thing—it’s when! Yet the reassuring news revealed in the verse above is that we don’t have to try to survive such storms alone. God is saying, “Listen, life on Earth will be challenging—but don’t worry about being overcome. I will be with you!”

Jesus echoed this promise after He shared some essential truths about living in our far-from-perfect world. Let’s look at how John 16:35 summarizes His thoughts:

“I have told you all this that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

The storms of life are inevitable, my friend, and I wish I could reach out right now and take whatever you are dealing with away. Why? Because that’s what I’d want for anyone that’s going through some of the pain I’ve endured due to loss, loneliness, and even longing for the Lord to step in and resolve ongoing issues.

But that’s not the way the Lord works. Not for me. Not for you. Instead, He has a purpose for life’s stormy seasons that you and I often can’t fathom. I caught a glimpse of this when I stumbled upon a verse in the first chapter of Philippians:

“For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ, but also the privilege of suffering for Him.” (verse 29)

I’m not sure how many times I have read this verse in the past, but its message opened my eyes to a reality I’d somehow previously missed. Although I accepted Jesus as my Savior as a child, I have spent decades thinking that suffering was something I simply had to endure. I’d never thought about suffering as a “privilege”—and certainly hadn’t contemplated that any seasons of suffering might be something that I could experience for Him.

Philippians 1:29 has become one of several touchstone verses that help me survive very difficult seasons in life. I’ve discovered how to change my perspective about challenging circumstances and see them as opportunities to learn more about what Jesus has done for me. Most of all, I’m learning to trust the Lord to be there for me in all seasons—whether good, bad, or downright ugly.

How can you and I acquire this kind of paradigm shift from simply suffering through to surviving beyond life’s stormy seasons? First, we must stay anchored in God’s Word. This means devoting time daily to reading, processing, and praying over Scripture. Next, we need to keep the lines of communication open, talking to the Lord and then looking for ways He’s offering His reassuring presence. Finally, you and I can also ask for God’s Spirit to work though us, especially as we seek to encourage those who need to know about a loving Lord who can help them too.

I’m praying that no matter what season you find yourself in, you can catch a glimpse of what God is doing in your life. Remember, He’s promised to be there to help, so rest in that promise—right now and every day moving forward!

All of us at Sonkist Ministries hope this Harvest season is full of God’s blessings.

Thought of the Season
In all their suffering, He also suffered, and He personally rescued them. In His love and mercy, He redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years.
Isaiah 63:9