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The Old Deluder Satan Law

“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.”

 Proverbs 22:6, NLT

Have you ever heard of the Old Deluder Satan Law? If not, you aren’t alone. This 1647 piece of legislation from the Massachusetts Bay Colony is one of three original public education laws put into place in the early days of what would eventually become the United States.

Why would our founding fathers and mothers discuss Satan when establishing a system for public schooling? In brief, they wanted to ensure children would be able to read and understand spiritual truths to counteract the negative forces at work in the world in which they lived. As soon as a town had fifty or more families, they were required to hire a teacher to assist them with this process. Once 100 or more families comprised the town, an official grammar school was to be established based on the foundational principle of creating an intellectual, spiritually-aware populace. The hope was that some of these well-educated children would also be prepared to enter Harvard College, whose mission after being founded in 1636 was to prepare individuals for the ministry.

While our history books are often missing these amazing details about American public education, we shouldn’t miss out on the transcendent message behind this legislation from ages past. First, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about when it comes to the foundation of faith established centuries ago. Our forbearers infused timeless truths into the very fabric of their community, culture, and country. Shouldn’t we, in modern times, be willing to do the same? Second, parents were considered the primary educators of their children. They were responsible for hiring qualified teachers. They were to ensure schools were established—and that those same schools fulfilled their obligation of providing superior education to the young citizens of their day.

Those original settlers were aligned and attuned with what Solomon penned in Proverbs 22:6:  “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” For those of us helping to guide the future leaders of our homes, communities, and country, that instruction is ours to follow and carry out too.

Whether we are parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles, we can inspire children and young people to understand the spiritual principles God has provided for all human kind. His guidelines for great living haven’t altered with changing seasons or shifts in laws and culture. And those of us closely involved with local schools should stay connected! Whether public, public charter, parochial or private, educational institutions need our involvement and input. After all, this is one of our earliest callings as citizens of the great nation we’ve inherited.

This month, schools across America begin planning for the upcoming academic year. As they do so, let’s be in prayer for those engaged in this process. In addition, let’s carefully consider how we can assist children discover the incredible path that leads to success as well as eternal security!

Thought of the Week

 I will teach you hidden lessons from our past—

 stories we have heard and known,

    stories our ancestors handed down to us.

We will not hide these truths from our children;

    we will tell the next generation

about the glorious deeds of the Lord,

    about his power and his mighty wonders.

Psalm 78: 2b-4